Monthly Archives: October 2014

Hacker Beach #3 is a go!

According to good old Hacker Beach tradition, the first person just booked a flight, making our next destination official. Having been to South-East Asia and East Africa so far, this year’s region of choice is the Carribbean. Pack both your swimming gear and hiking shoes, everybody, because we’re going to !

Not to be mixed up with the Dominican Republic, this little island nation in the middle of the has only 73000 people living in an area of 750km2, mostly taken up by phentermine rainforest-covered mountains of volcanic nature. Known as “The Nature Island of the Caribbean”, its spectacular flora and fauna is among the most well-preserved in the region.

In contrast to Hacker Beach #2, but in the spirit of the original Hacker Beach, everybody will be on their own again for all organization and bookings, including accommodation. Forming small groups for sharing rooms, apartments or houses is recommended, and of course we’ll coordinate enough to stay in the same area of the island.

We’ll be updating the blog with more infos soon. In any case, hang out in #hackerbeach on Freenode, if you’re interested in joining in the next episode of Hacker Beach in January 2015!