Monthly Archives: October 2016

Hacker Beach 2017 Update

People are getting excited about Hacker Beach 2017, so I thought we should give you an update. It’ll be short and sweet, as there’s really not much to say at this point:

Hacker Beach Episode 5 in January 2017 is happening and you’re invited!

We’re currently looking for a location, same as every year, and you’re invited to propose one! We finally set up a wiki this year, so you can check and add proposals there. (Also has a page for Hacker Beach 2017.)

Discussion is happening on IRC, in #hackerbeach on Freenode. You can find channel logs in this little app we hacked up last time. If you don’t have an IRC client, here’s a Web chat you can use.

If you can’t wait for January (I know I can’t), there’s also a little pre-hackout in Chiang Mai, Thailand with a few people hanging out there in November and December!

So, keep the locations coming, say hi on the IRC channel, and maybe even see you in Chiang Mai! The next post will be the official announcement for Episode 5.